29 March 2014

Frost & Sullivan 2014 Indonesia Congress, March 26
Frost & Sullivan will host the Growth, Innovation & Leadership Indonesia Congress on March 26, 2014 at the Hotel Mulia, Senayan - Jakarta.
Frost & Sullivan will host the Growth, Innovation & Leadership Indonesia Congress on March 26, 2014 at the Hotel Mulia, Senayan - Jakarta.
Event registration and program details are in the Reference section below.
Frost & Sullivan’s flagship community of the world’s top business visionaries, innovators and leaders, GIL Global, will hold its second Growth, Innovation & Leadership (GIL) Indonesia congress on March 26, 2014. 150 CEOs from cross sector industries in Indonesia will attend this interactive congress and share best practices, innovative ideas, and practical solutions that will accelerate corporate growth and innovation.
Eugene Van De Weerd, Country Director of Frost & Sullivan Indonesia will be lead the discussion. The next session will be led by Manoj Menon, Frost & Sullivan's Partner and Managing Director, Asia Pacific.
Many representatives of the companies attending the GIL 2014 will be Senior- or C-Level from a wide variety of industrial sectors such as Aerospace & Defense, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Business & Financial Business, Chemical & Material Foods, Environmental & Building Technologies, Energy & Power Systems, Healthcare, Information & Communication Technologies, Industrial Automation & Process Control, Measurement & Instrumentation. More will be mutually inspiring corporate teams which help encourage the growth of the company.
GIL 2014: Indonesia will be organized in cooperation with members of the Frost & Sullivan Growth Partner Alliance. Members of this global alliance of world-class growth solution providers, non-profits, associations, and media partners include BrightTALK, Oracle Eloqua, Lenos Software, The Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM), Frost & Sullivan Institute, Appropedia, Business Marketing Association (BMA), Zula, SCIP, The Manufacturing Leadership Council, Connect World, Conference Guru, Business Marketing Association, Innovation Management Magazine, Exec Digital, National Children’s Leukimia Foundation, Boogar List, Ceoworld Magazine,
Forbes Indonesia is the Official Media Partner for Frost & Sullivan’s GIL 2014, Global Media Partners include Asian Century Institute, and Emerging Markets Informations Service (EMIS).
Our “Growth Partnership” supports clients by addressing these opportunities and incorporating two key elements driving visionary innovation: The Integrated Value Proposition and The Partnership Infrastructure.
• The Integrated Value Proposition provides support to our clients throughout all phases of their journey to visionary innovation including: research, analysis, strategy, vision, innovation and implementation.
• The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.
For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Is your organization prepared for the next profound wave of industry convergence, disruptive technologies, increasing competitive intensity, Mega Trends, breakthrough best practices, changing customer dynamics and emerging economies?
Corporate Communications Executive Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 571 0838
Mobile : +62856 887 0992
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event registration and program details are in the Reference section below.
Frost & Sullivan’s flagship community of the world’s top business visionaries, innovators and leaders, GIL Global, will hold its second Growth, Innovation & Leadership (GIL) Indonesia congress on March 26, 2014. 150 CEOs from cross sector industries in Indonesia will attend this interactive congress and share best practices, innovative ideas, and practical solutions that will accelerate corporate growth and innovation.
Eugene Van De Weerd, Country Director of Frost & Sullivan Indonesia will be lead the discussion. The next session will be led by Manoj Menon, Frost & Sullivan's Partner and Managing Director, Asia Pacific.
Many representatives of the companies attending the GIL 2014 will be Senior- or C-Level from a wide variety of industrial sectors such as Aerospace & Defense, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Business & Financial Business, Chemical & Material Foods, Environmental & Building Technologies, Energy & Power Systems, Healthcare, Information & Communication Technologies, Industrial Automation & Process Control, Measurement & Instrumentation. More will be mutually inspiring corporate teams which help encourage the growth of the company.
GIL 2014: Indonesia will be organized in cooperation with members of the Frost & Sullivan Growth Partner Alliance. Members of this global alliance of world-class growth solution providers, non-profits, associations, and media partners include BrightTALK, Oracle Eloqua, Lenos Software, The Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM), Frost & Sullivan Institute, Appropedia, Business Marketing Association (BMA), Zula, SCIP, The Manufacturing Leadership Council, Connect World, Conference Guru, Business Marketing Association, Innovation Management Magazine, Exec Digital, National Children’s Leukimia Foundation, Boogar List, Ceoworld Magazine,
Forbes Indonesia is the Official Media Partner for Frost & Sullivan’s GIL 2014, Global Media Partners include Asian Century Institute, and Emerging Markets Informations Service (EMIS).
About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants.Our “Growth Partnership” supports clients by addressing these opportunities and incorporating two key elements driving visionary innovation: The Integrated Value Proposition and The Partnership Infrastructure.
• The Integrated Value Proposition provides support to our clients throughout all phases of their journey to visionary innovation including: research, analysis, strategy, vision, innovation and implementation.
• The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.
For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Is your organization prepared for the next profound wave of industry convergence, disruptive technologies, increasing competitive intensity, Mega Trends, breakthrough best practices, changing customer dynamics and emerging economies?
Media Contacts:
Shena AgustaCorporate Communications Executive Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 571 0838
Mobile : +62856 887 0992
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.